"The dynamics of violence among a group of young people"

Document Type : Original Article



-Research Title: "The dynamics of violence among a group of young people".
-Research is dedicated to: Faculty of Arts-Ain shams University.
-Research objective: The research aims to spot the phenomenon of" the dynamics of violence among a group of young people through an in-depth psychological analysis". To reach the reality behind the recent spread of violence and to define its features , dimensions and deep causes.
I reached the following results:
1-There is a severe disorder in psychological construction among violent young people.
2-The nature of the Consciousand the unconscious motives for those who follow The desires of their unconscious mind and have suppression.
3-Psychological functions related to violent behavior among young people
Disorder in the oedipus and an unbalanced thinking.
4-The nature of the dynamic psychological construction and the forms of violence ,whether directed to the self or towards the other. It turned out to be directed to the self and the other.

5-Violence when raising young people affects the behavior of young people and leads them to be violent in the older age.

Main Subjects