Arabic Syntax according to the Dutch Arabist (Kees Versteegh) between influence and originality

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims to clarify the attitude of the Dutch Arabist (Kees Versteegh) on ​​the authenticity of Arabic grammar, and stands for the development of this attitude; Versteegh adopted at first the opinion of some of his oriental predecessors who said that the Arabic grammar was influenced by the Greek grammar, and their approach was based on their words, without being discussed and scrutinized, then his attitude changed after some evidence and proofs of the authenticity of Arabic grammar fell into his hands. As he found in his study of the first interpretations some grammatical terms common to Kufa. It became clear to him that the grammarians' terms are original and not borrowed from Greece, and the research also showed evidence of the authenticity of Arabic grammar from his studies and books, and the opinions of some fair orientalists, and also showed the position of some fanatic Arab researchers against him and against orientalists in general, and he explained that they had not seen his change of position Because they did not read his later writings, and the research listed some terms that Versteegh stood on in the first commentaries.


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