Greeting in American and British Conversations

Document Type : Original Article


Ministry of Education- General Directorate of Wasit Education


          The current research looks at American and British conversations through the act of greeting. It aims at finding out the strategies used to realize the act of greeting in conversations of these communities, Showing how social distance influences greeting performance used by American and British English people in conversations. Moreover, it aims at identifying the content of greeting in the conversations of both communities and pinpointing the most common differences in greeting performance between American and British people. Five American and five British texts were chosen by the researcher using a qualitative method to gain a deeper knowledge and investigation of the data of this research. The results of this research have revealed that in discussion, Americans and British English people greet each other in distinct ways, in American and British talks, social distance plays a crucial part in determining the sort of greeting. People utilize distinct greeting content in American and British discussions. The findings of this study have also revealed that Americans like to meet each other with a time-free greeting. Furthermore, they prefer informal greetings than formal greetings. In addition, the content of their greeting is personal in nature. When it comes to British English folks, they prefer to employ time bind greetings over time free greetings. Furthermore, they use formal greetings in their interactions more than informal greetings, and the content of their greetings is also personal.


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