Three Trajectories in Analyzing Identity and Political Behavior: Theoretical Critical View

Document Type : Original Article


Assistance Professor, College of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Kuwait University


          This paper sought to analyze the relation between identity and political behavior (both violently and nonviolently). To answer the research question, the paper utilized three theoretical trajectories: 1. Cultural theory, 2. Rational choice theory, 3. Political opportunity structure theory. Feminist theory is used as a “constant” and is discussed in relation to all three trajectories. The paper showed that violent and nonviolent political behavior is influenced by the form of identity depending on each single trajectory. Each trajectory depending on its factors helped analyze one angle of the phenomenon at a different level and scope, makes it important to synthesis all trajectories. The paper concluded that the integration among all trajectories in explaining the relation between identity and political behavior is significant in reducing the bias towards one trajectory among others.


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