The system of celibacy when Ibadi and Argelan In the era of the Fatimid Caliphate in Morocco (297 - 362 AH)

Document Type : Original Article



It is known that the celibacy system was invented by the lbadis in the Maghreb after the fall of the Rustamiya state at the hands of the Fatimid preacher Abu Abdullah Al-Shi'I in the 296 Ah. In the following year, the Ismaili imam Ubayd Allah A-mahdi Became the first caliph of the Fatimid statein the city of Raqada. Following the fall of the Rustamiya state and the persecution of its lbadu=is, most of them migrated to the Nadusa Mountains, the island of Djerba, and the oasis of Argelan in the hollow of the Sahara. In the Nafusa Mountains; lbadites tride to revive the Rustamiya imamate; But their efforts failed as a result of the threats of the Fatimid Caliph Mahdi.On the island of Djerba – and its lbadis were based on the doctrine of Al-Nafathiyah – they succeeded in establishing the system of celibacy as an alternative to the system of the imamate; Likewise, the ibadis of Oasis and Argelan – most of whom were on the Wahhabi sect – established the single system, which was more organized and more influential than the singles of Jebel Nafusa and the island of Djerba

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