Debts peasants in Egypt during the Circassia Mameluke sultans by light of a document of a debt of the tax in the year 842 AH / 1438 AD

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims to study the nature of the life of the peasants in the Mameluke era and the circumstances that exposed them to falling into debts. Also, the misery in their live. The document of the debt of thetax between three peasants and one of the Mameluke princes has many information about the main subject. This research aims to show the circumstances that caused many peasants to fall into debts, like a village of Tanamel in Egypt. The methods which used to write the debts between the peasants and the prince. It was formulated in a way that prevents the manipulation and fraud of phrases.
The study relied on the analytical method after collecting the document's information, as well as the information of history sources related to the subject of the study.
The are several results: the difficult circumstances burdened the peasants which led him to face inability to pay the tax. Also, there was a correspondence between the emir al-Muqta’ and the peasant, if the later can’t pay ala the tax to save his right.
The thought of the Mameluke princes was focused to collect thetax only! Without developing it. The style of writing the document was good in order to avoid forgery, and despite the care, the writer made several mistakes while writing the document.
The recommendations are supporting researchers in historical documents, because they are a major historical source for information that may have been absent in the sources of historical books. 


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