Social competence and emotional innovation as predictors of alexithymia among students of Onaizah University

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the relationship of Alexithymia to social competence and Emotional Creativity ofEnaza university students and predict by Alexithymia through social competence and Emotional Creativity of Them, (375) student of ofEnaza university shared in this study: their age is between (19.2 – 20.11) years with an average age of (19.11) years and a standard deviation of (10.18) months ,The  study used Alexithymia scale (prepared by : the author),  social competence Scale(prepared by : the author) and Emotional Creativity scale(Prepared by: Averill, 1999/ Translated by the author ) ,The results indicated to : There are statistically negativesignificant relationship between Alexithymia andsocial competence, There are statistically negative significant relationship betweenAlexithymia andEmotional Creativity at last social competence and Emotional Creativitycan predict byAlexithymia of students ofEnaza university students.


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