Logout language linguistic system feminized

Document Type : Original Article



Feminization budge recalled and wires which don't resign him, every reminder on his verbal marker features feminine in the linguistic system, and Arabic language's linguistic regime decides to add t with feminine compared only in certain weights identified by linguists and vail meaning effect wevoul meaning wemfaal actor and mavail and is still active. Feminine words have found out about this system my girl some feminine words on these weights to the essential, and feminine words without v on other research showed that the weights t come suited to denote it is added to the description or if closer to par for metadata, turning Vaila from nominal descriptive, because vaila premeditation is called, and it may be that in the past, or have been, either it stared it shoots taken, or will take in the future. The swill slaughter and carcass for slaughter taken, as to why she was brought bevail meaning not effect produced by herself, that increase in installed it like a reality if condition name however is yet to come  

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