The Water Scarcity and its Effects on the Subsistence Production of the Egyptian Peasant. A Field Study in Egyptian Village.

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims at knowing the nature of the problem of water scarcity and its limit in this period and the futureand the actuality of this problem and its reasons and its results on the subsistence production of Egyptian peasant in the countryside and the ways of confrontation in the future through knowing and the awareness of peasants in the Egyptian Village.
 The questions of the research what are the aspects of the problem of water scarcity in Egypt from the reasons and the shapes of it? What is this most important reasons and the ways of confrontation in Egypt in the future.
This research has a descriptive analytic nature. Using case study descriptive as essential study by using qualitative analysis and ysing the deep meeting and the observation. The Geographic of this survey study in one the villages of El shohdaa center in Menofia regin. purpose sample was chosen the number is (14) cases study. the deeping distributor of all categories of peasants in the village major proprietary mediam proprietary and the minor proprietary mediam proprietary and the minor proprietary and the farming worker.
This field study was carried through three months from the beginning of October until the end of December in 2016.
The most important results are :
Them are real problem that exists actually in Egypt and Egyptian country side. That is the problem of water scarcity and stinginess of it in the Knowledge of all categories of peasants and there are high awareness levels of peasants of the problem on aspects and the consequences of this problem the income of the irrigation and the drinking pure water with the little amount of the water in the Nile for Egypt which happen as aresult of  internal and outside reasons which affects on the subsistencs production of the Egyptian peasants and on the national water security in Egypt.

Main Subjects