Islamic Sufism and Christian Mysticism ((Hallaj - Eckhart model))

Document Type : Original Article



The research includes the most important foundations on which Christian mysticism and Islamic Sufism were based, and it focused light on their common visions. Sufism, in general, relates no specific religion, nor any particular philosophy, but rather it is a sentimental experience characterized by all religions, i.e., it is  an experience which is the essence of the spiritual life of the individual within his religious discipline.

For two reasons, the research has taken two mystical figures who had a long history in the field of philosophy (Mr. Eckhart and Hallaj):first, the two characters are among the most important figures that have left a clear and profound imprint in the history of Sufism. Second, the great similarities that accompanied their intellectual development in terms of common view  to religion, and to the themes involved in it. Finally,  I hope the research will receive the satisfaction and acceptance of readers.

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