Social return to investment in human capital Descriptive study

Document Type : Original Article



This was evident after the Second World War in countries such as Japan, Germany and Malaysia, where they possessed a small amount of natural resources. However, they focused on investing in the development of human resources by teaching and training, Employment, and opportunities for citizens to live the life they choose, to do the right work for them, and to provide them with the right tools and opportunities to reach those options and activate human capabilities until the human capital becomes the basis and development of development.
We therefore offer to invest in human capital as the most important tool in the advancement and advancement of societies.
In addition, we try to highlight the social effects through a number of visions, including: to elevate the human being in an integrated manner, to bring about a real change in human life makes it move to a better and better life than it is, enable man to expand his options and enhance his enormous creativity, To support the self-confidence and pride of the human being, rationalize good dealing through the wise management of the requirements of his life.
The main objective of the study is to identify the social impacts of investment in human capital, which will positively affect national projects in Iraqi society.

This is achieved by answering the main question: What are the social implications of investing in human capital ?

Main Subjects