Remarks Linguistic in the Book of Job “Analytical study”

Document Type : Original Article



The book of Job is one of the important books of the Old Testament and has a special attribute that is not shared by any other book. It contains in its texts many subjects of wisdom, philosophy and preaching. It also includes many literary works such as poetry, story, proverbs and other literary products. Job's books were written in a complex linguistic style and it is difficult for the reader to understand the existence of many words. These words or terms belong to other languages in general and Aramaic in particular. The study examined some of the linguistic observations that were identified through the texts of this Book. The study based on the linguistic analysis, grammatical, grammatical, grammatical, linguistic and linguistic variables that make it difficult to understand consequence to the semantic change of the real meaning of the word. The study concluded that Job's book has an important in literary and linguistic studies in particular because it deals with issues and matters of great importance to the life of the individual Jew within society.

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