Melancholia at Nahum Sokolov

Document Type : Original Article



The researcher has reached several important evidence in the fact of the suffering of the poet and writer and  Nahum Sokolov, which clearly affected his literary output  Most of the  poems Sokolov, did not abandon  the words that indicate the state of internal psychological state, including grumbling, complaining, sarcastic, and attack the self, and attack And the nature in which he grew up, to tell us that he wants to change his life.
so that his travel has the key to change his situation, in order to achieve his own ideas, and change the life of the Jews in general.
despite his severe psychological suffering but managed and succeeded in employing language Hebrew eloquent in conveying his idea The main change.  Individuality and perplexity dominate the Modern Hebrew poetic creativity The poet tends to short and long poems formulated in a high linguistic style  Most of the Jewish public is interested in buying poetry books from different periods and age groups in large quantities.
Modern Hebrew poetic creativity now includes different age groups, melodies, rhythms and poetic weights  His media creativity has played an important role in spreading his political and social ideas.
Sokolov succeeded in employing these different notices for his various purposes  His style is disciplined in expressing sorrow Which is felt by every human being who is aware that death is inevitable away from romance..

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