Looking and reasoning with the Prophet Ibrahim

Document Type : Original Article



   Consideration and inference is one of the important themes of theology, if not the most important at all. Rather, it is the original means through which one can reach the truth, which is the worship of God alone, who has no partner, with the help of what God, Glory be to Him, has revealed to His Messengers of heavenly books that enlighten the mind, so it is broken from it. Luminous thoughts and lucid logical inferences guide the sound mind to the straight path, and the Almighty has indicated the importance of consideration and inference in many verses, including the Almighty’s saying: (Say: Look what is in the heavens and the earth. Travel through the earth and see how the creation began, then God creates the next generation, for God has power over all things.)
      This is what prompted me to write this research, through which I touched on the consideration and inference of the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, because of what I saw of the intellectual brilliance that the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, possessed, which the Holy Qur’an referred to with creativity in style and splendor in expression. I divided this research into an introduction, five sections, and a conclusion that dealt with in the first section looking at linguistically and idiomatically. As for the second section, I dealt with the consideration and inference of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, on how to revive the dead, and in the third section, I referred to the consideration and inference of the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him, with King Nimrud, as for the fourth topic, in which I explained the cosmic consideration and inference of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Finally, I turned to the fifth topic, in which I mentioned Ibrahim (peace be upon him) using reasoning and reasoning to show the misguidance of his people in their worship of idols.


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