The Controversy of Identity Between the Author and the Characters of "The Disoriented"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Department of French and English and their Literatures

2 Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Department of Arabic Language and Literature


This paper looks into the forms of identity and belonging of the author and characters of "The Disoriented" novel by Amin Maalouf. It is a big, exquisite novel about friendship, betrayal, nostalgia, ideas, politics, and the world as it is. The paper is divided into two parts: Part one tackles the concept of identity, the characteristics of the protagonist Adam, his relationship with the author's personality, the problematic belonging and identity and the conflict and transformations in the Novel's characters it creates due to the warfare in their homeland.  Part two tackles the exposition of conflict on which the novel's incidents are based on globalization. This part also encompasses symbolism and inference for some characters in the novel and the implications of the ending in "The Disoriented".


Main Subjects