The purpose of self-preservation And its impact on the Saudi criminal procedure system

Document Type : Original Article



Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, the Guide, the Trustworthy, and upon all his family and companions.
This is a research entitled “The Purpose of Self-Preservation and Its Effect on the Saudi Penal Procedures System,” through which I wanted to clarify the importance of the purposes of Sharia in general and its impact on scientific and practical reality, and to show Islam’s care for the human soul, by preserving and maintaining it and preventing harm and damage from it, then highlighting the impact of this great purpose in One of the most important judicial systems is the Saudi Code of Criminal Procedure, which shows the impact of the science of legal purposes in building legal materials and applying them.
The research plan was made as follows:
The first topic: Defining the purposes of Sharia and its most prominent divisions
The second topic: the purpose of self-preservation, and has two requirements:
The first requirement: Defining the purpose of self-preservation
The second requirement: Proving the intent of Islam to preserve the soul
And the third topic: an overview of the Saudi criminal procedure system
And the fourth topic: The impact of the purpose of self-preservation in the Saudi criminal procedure system, which includes an introduction and five requirements: introduction
The first requirement: the effect of the purpose of self-preservation in the innocence of the accusation or punishment
The second requirement: the effect of the purpose of self-preservation in criminal investigation procedures
The third requirement: the effect of the purpose of self-preservation in the procedures of arrest and imprisonment
The fourth requirement: the effect of the purpose of self-preservation in the investigation and trial procedures
The fifth requirement: the effect of the purpose of self-preservation in the procedures for executing the penalty
Then the conclusion, which includes the most important results and recommendations.
I ask Allah, Blessed and Exalted be He, to benefit with this research the writer and reader of this research, and to make it purely for His Noble Face.


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