displacement semantic in al-almuealaqatalsabe stylistic study

Document Type : Original Article



The Muallaqat has received great attention from scholars and researchers in Arabic literature, as it is considered one of the most famous Arab poems, and one of the finest that has been said in Arabic poetry. The most important issues that occupied their minds and insist on them.
The study came in two sections, the first section dealt with the concept of displacement in its theoretical framework, so I studied in it about displacement and the opinions of scholars of criticism and rhetoric in it and their idiomatic definitions, and the multiplicity of its names.
As for the second topic, I dealt with some aspects of semantic displacement in the poetry of the Muallaqat, and I analyzed it and indicated its artistic connotations, by studying it in three rhetorical topics, attashbeah, al-asteara, and al-kenaya.
After that was the conclusion of the research and its summary with its main results, then a list of sources and references that benefited from them.


Main Subjects