The linguistic difficulties of the students of the department of Hebrew Language in the University of Baghdad (The adverb for example)

Document Type : Original Article



This study is intended for those interested in the learning processes of Hebrew language syntax - for teachers and students of the Hebrew language department at the University of Baghdad, and for anyone interested in learning and teaching the syntax of the Hebrew language. This study sheds light on the difficulties faced by Hebrew language learners in general, and students of the Hebrew Language Department in particular. The need for an accurate distinction between the descriptions and the other legal proceedings (side effects, consideration, and object) as well as between the various adverbs themselves - something that can usually not be done from a cursory and superficial reading. For example, in sentences: "The man sat down to rest on the bench", or: "The student puts the book in the closet" The words "on the bench" or "in the closet" can also be seen as indirect objects. And not her! - They are adverbs of place, because they answer the question "Where?" (Where did the man sit?, where is the student's put?) Which is the question of the adverbs of the place, and not of the questions: (about what?, or with what?) Which are the questions of the indirect object. This study is intended to help learners and students overcome the syntactic problems and difficulties associated with difficulties encountered by students of the Hebrew language when it comes to determining the syntactic role of this married complement. This study provides them with a number of solutions to overcome these problems, in order to determine and identify the syntactic roles of the verb complements, and especially the adverb. First, the study addresses the meaning of the adverb, being one of the therapeutic or complementary parts of the sentence, and then, the study also states the types of the adverb, and its ways of expression in the Hebrew language. And then, the study clarifies the problems and difficulties faced by students of the Hebrew Language Department at the University of Baghdad, both in identifying the adverbs, and in understanding and determining the syntactic roles that the adverbs play within the sentence. And at the end of the study will come the most important conclusions that this study came to.


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