Protest movements and political change in Egyptian society A content analysis of the Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper's website for the protests of the Tamarod movement

Document Type : Original Article



This current study aims to identify the nature of the political protest movements the protest and its effect in bringing about political change in the Egyptian society by revealing the following sub-goals:
-       Studying the reality of protest in this movement its main motives the challenges that faced this protest as well as the prospect of future vision of the reality of protest in the Egyptian society
This study is an analytical descriptive study where the researcher analyzed a number of (969) of the news content published through the website of Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper for one full year specifically from 1-4-2013 until 1-7-2014 by depending on the content analysis of the newspaper
The results of the study revealed the following:
-       The protest movement was characterized by the diversity and variety of its effectiveness between demonstrations and mass rallies and marches and this shows the effectiveness of the youth of this movement which reflects the strength of political mobility.
-       The spread of protest culture in most fields and institutions which has had the most impact in marking influential changes in the political culture in the Egyptian society

-       The protest movement was characterized by weak ideological cohesion leading to further divisions and splits and the leaders of this movement could not unite and agree on one course and clear goals.

Main Subjects