The Role of Family breakdown jurenile delinopncy

Document Type : Original Article



The problem of jurenile delinopncy is one of the basic problems facing the Aldainmki community and anstable society that was originally arural farming community governed by customs and traditions and the values and behavior patterns and social relations for their children the shift began into acomplex urbansociety as aresult of the presence of intrinsic veriablesset asentry of intrinsic variables set as entry of industrialization and economic development in the corners and founder.
And up dated in various seheres of life the problem of jurenile delinquency .like the rest of the social and humanitarian problems facing communitics Does not represent it self >>>>>>>>>>
Causes and consequences but also reflect the social and cultural problems complex sentence tie to interactive degree can not be separated from each other the problem of the role of family lezeakdown injnuenile delingquency Embodied in the divorceans separated from abandonment and deterionation of the social environmental and economic conditions of the family.
Poe social and problem of weak rear methods upset traditional institutions and the cultural back wardens of rapid transformation material side and slowly turning the cultural side and the value system in the communiky you must need to address this category repain misaligned And putsanend to the causes of the deviation and beyond the pale of customs and traditions and communityralues the seeds of the deviation and wlctcedness nust go to young and adolescents and youth category society so make her prevented category and cannot be relied on to build aground and progression and future community .


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