Modern Schools of the Holly Quran Taffseer Study in the rise and the method

Document Type : Original Article



In the modern Ages appeared the schools of the Holly Quran Taffseer.they aimed to explain Quran for people, and showing its miracle and stylistic reality and explaining its meanings and precepts and judjments to understand it because it’s the constitution for the nation and for the whole world. And its suitable for all ages and every place and state. The schools of Quraninc Taffseer varied sinice the first Age of Islam till nowadays. It reached its climax in the modern age, and it took different methods and manners according to the explainer method that he takes, one of them is the objective Taffseer which  the researcher of the Holly Quran refers to the verses that connect with one object and the stylistic Taffseer which explain the secrets of structure in the Quranic expression, and its apart of the general Taffseer which focuss upon explaining the secrets of expression from the technician side like advancing and lating and deleat and choosing one word instead of another, ex… and another that connect with expression states, and the scientific Taffseer wich depends on realities of the experimental science in explaining verses of nature and creating humanbeing that mentioned in the Holly Quran in different shpes, and different objects, the educational Taffseer that deals with understanding the aims of Holly Quran and understand its secrcts, and the adages and lessons and sermons that came with it, finally the logical Taffseer that deals with understanding the book from the side of adivcing people for their happiness in this life and the other world.

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