The Role Of Facebook Social Network In Shaping The Trends of the Egyptian Public Opinion Towards the Issue Of Economic Reform A Field Study on a Sample of the Egyptian Public

Document Type : Original Article



The problem of the current study is to identify the role of social communication in shaping the attitudes of Egyptian public opinion towards the issue of economic reform, through application to a sample of the Egyptian public that deals with Facebook.
The present study is included in the analytical descriptive studies,the researcher used the social survey method to identify the role of Facebook Social Network in shaping the attitudes of the Egyptian public opinion towards the issue of economic reform. One of the most prominent issues on the Egyptian community scene.
The researcher used a questionnaire form which included a number of items covering the main and secondary study questions and achieving their objectives.
Domains of Study:
The geographical domain: Cairo, Assiut and Menoufia governorates
The human domain: Facebook users in Egyptian society
The time domain: 6 months
The social characteristics of the study sample for the characteristics of the respondents in terms of age were 29% of them in the age group from 30 to 39 years, followed by 28% in the 20-29 age group, 17% aged between 40 and 49 years, and finally 5% over the age of 50 years and note the predominance of young nature on the study sample, the predominance of the young nature of the sample of the study, where three quarters of the sample in the category between 20 and 40 years,which is consistent with the nature of young Egyptian society on the one hand and the tendency of young people to deal with social networks, especially the Facebook network more than the elderly.


Main Subjects