Tools and methods used by Kuwaiti women to obtain their rights in the second half of the twentieth century

Document Type : Original Article



The study was titled “Tools and Methods Used by Kuwaiti Women to Obtain their Rights in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.” It had  the opportunity to overcome the obstacles of underdevelopment, so different sectors of women began to learn from science, and a group of women was formed, equipped with science, culture and social awareness, especially after the society of men, in specific the enlightened ones, became more receptive to understanding the radical change in Kuwaiti society due to the friction with the Arab and foreign external environments. Education also had its impact on these cultures and the desire to modernize, especially since the educated women are more in contact with women coming from other Arab societies. They have gone a long way in the modernization process, and they have a major role in the work revolution.
With the development of the social situation of Kuwaiti women, Kuwaiti women began their struggle to obtain their gains, similar to their counterparts in the Arab world, so they used multiple methods to raise their issues and demand their rights in society in general, including the right to political participation. During which the dissemination of its demands and striving to obtain its gains like men. Subsequently, she dealt with "media interviews", which were characterized by their limitations and lack of breadth, due to the norms that prevailed in society at that period and which imposed a lot of controls on women for fear of openness.
Afterward she touched on the role of "literary arts such as "theater, cinema, and performing arts", which Kuwaiti women used to present their issues, even if it was late, as well as the role of "novel and short stories", in which they reviewed some of the humble women's attempts in which women dealt with some of their issues in society, on the other hand, they dealt with the role played by "seminars, lectures and seminars" to discuss women's issues and their societal rights. Finally, they dealt with "demonstrations and protests" and how Kuwaiti women tried through them to prove that women in Kuwait, like their counterparts in open countries, believe that they have every freedom to express their opinion. in political and social problems.

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