Directive verbal verbs in the poetical work (In the Alley of Nashabour Gardens) by Shafi'i Kadkani

Document Type : Original Article



The theory of verbal verbs formed the most important link in pragmatic studies, where this theory transferred the attention from the sentence to the achievement in which the linguistic act achieved. It also linked the act of execution with the intention of the speaker. This research deals with one of the types of verbal verbs according to Searle's classification, which is directive verbs. This theory is applied to one of the poetical works of a prominent contemporary Iranian and Persian poetry, which is the poetical works (In the Alley of Nashabour Gardens) by Shafi'i Kadkani. The research relied on the pragmatic analysis method in monitoring and analyzing the directive verbal verbs in this poetical work.

The research came in an introduction that dealt with the importance of the research and the purpose of its study, the followed approach and the research plan. Then an introduction that deals with a presentation of the definition of the verbal verb and the basis of its classification and types according to Searle. Then talking about the directive verbal verbs of its different types such as interrogation, command, prohibition and call in the poetical work under study. The research concluded to a number of results that were observed in the conclusion of the research, then a list of the sources and references on which the research was relied on.

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