The political party movement after the January 2011 revolution A field study of the impact of employing political money in political parties

Document Type : Original Article



The current study examined the importance of studying and analyzing the reality and independence of the new political parties and their course of development. They formulated a new model for the party map, then used political money intensively in party work, and argued conflicting interests and interests to possess the ability to formulate a political decision in the future. The opportunity to build a democratic party system, deservedly deserved by a people who have made two revolutions, rid of political tyranny and religious obsession..
According to this understanding, the study aims at uncovering the impact of the process of employing political money on the reality of the new political parties and their course of development in the context of analyzing the obstacles to the development of these parties, in addition to the future of party performance in the context of the struggle of new powers and interests in the political transition after the January revolution and political culture Has contributed to its regional and international dimensions.
The study was based on an analytical approach based on an in-depth case study that was applied to twenty-three of the leaders of the political parties and the candidates for their power. They were conducted in depth and in multiple sessions. The sample included 5 party leaders, 2 general secretary, The number of two treasurer, and the number of 12 candidates on the lists of the two parties, in Cairo.

the most important results reached, the current study showed that there was a consensus between the Egyptian political system and the Egyptian political system that there was a flaw in the structure and function of the political parties without exception before the January revolution. This led to a fundamental challenge to the development of the party system. The social movements of the protest, those that led to the regime and caused an earthquake political transformations witnessed in Egypt. The political collapse came as a result of the regime's lack of interest in building effective political institutions. These results were consistent with Huntington's theoretical vision. He argues that the political collapse is the inevitable result of any modernization without the appropriate and simultaneous construction of political institutions because modernization unleashes social and political forces that traditional institutions can not To seize or control them and thus political collapse can not be avoided.

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