Rhetoricity of Proof and Autobiographical Pact A Comparative Study between Mostafa El-Feki's memoirs "Arriwayah Rehlat Azzman wa Almakan" (Novel is a Journey of Time and Place) and Nelson Mandela's memoirs "Rehlati Attwaila Men Agl Elhoria" (My Long Journey for Freedom)

Document Type : Original Article



This study is entitled: (Rhetoricity of Proof and Autobiographical Pact: A Comparative Study between Mostafa El-Feki's memoirs "Arriwayah Rehlat Azzman wa Almakan" (Novel is a Journey of Time and Place) and Nelson Mandela's memoirs "Rehlati Attwaila Men Agl Elhoria" (My Long Journey for Freedom). This is where the importance of analyzing proof arguments philosophically lies. Proof theory seeks to examine the methods of effective impact on persons through discourse.
The study tackles three axes; preceded by an introduction. In the introduction, the reasons for choosing the topic and the texts for application in this study are both explained; in addition, the study problem is also highlighted.
The study methodology leans on the American School Methodology of parallelism and comparison between the two works and depends on the reading techniques produced by the postmodernism phase; most importantly (Argumentation and tools of argumentation). The argumentative discourse which is the focus of this study is a dialogic discourse aiming for the participation of the recipient/reader/the other party who is outside the dialogue that occurs in the literary biography. Hence, the study methodology also depends on the reception theory and the interpretation theory.
The study axes are as follows:
1.Rhetoricity of proof and autobiographical pact for Mostafa El-Feki
2.Rhetoricity of proof and autobiographical pact for Nelson Mandela
3. Study results: Represented in the similarities and differences between the two autobiographies


Main Subjects