The role of women leaders in promoting economic growth And sustainable development ((Applied study through the Islamic economy on the lease ended ownership))

Document Type : Original Article



Research topic: The role of women leaders in promoting economic growth and achieving sustainable development, ((Applied study through the Islamic economy on leasing ending ownership.
The objective of the study: To show the leadership role of women in promoting economic growth and prosperity, to achieve sustainable development, and a practical study of this through the Islamic economy on the lease of ownership.
Introduction: The researcher mentioned in the introduction of the field of economics, as the researcher showed that women throughout the ages have an active role in community development in all fields. It has also been mentioned that it is not new to the participation of Muslim women in community work. Women are the cornerstone of societies and their participation in society. The economic business gives it seriousness. Women who play a leading role in the Islamic economy are of great importance in terms of the fact that economic work needs to be disciplined in its fundamentals in order to reach its goals that are high and reach it towards advancement and progress.
Then the researcher began to talk about the subject through five investigations, which are as follows:
The first topic: the definition of the main terms, namely (role - women - leadership - economic growth - sustainable development - leasing ended ownership).The second topic is the objectives of the Islamic economy, in which he speaks about the Islamic economy and its objectives which do not contradict the teachings and values ​​of Islam, including the balance in caring for the economic interest between the individual and the community.
The third topic: the applied study, in which the talk of contemporary models of women who have an effective leadership role, including ministries and government institutions, until it reached the position of senior leadership positions in some countries.
The fourth topic: its impact on sustainable development: It will be discussed that women are the nucleus of society, one of the most important parties contributing to achieving sustainable development and reaching the society to a future with its civilized witnesses. Society and solutions face different challenges.
The fifth topic: The results and recommendations: It will be mentioned, God willing, when the research is completed

Research Methodology: Applied Methodology.

Main Subjects