The Reforming Leader is a Qur'anic vision

Document Type : Original Article



In this regard, I discussed the reformed leader as a key element in the reform process that embraces its four pillars, the good principle and its characteristics, the reformed leader and his qualities, the reformers' supporters and their role, the good environment and its importance.

And sought the leader reformer in short, and was characterized: as a person prepared Islamic and deep in the message, and the belief in the concepts of Islam and principles, and the culture of totalitarian, and has a religious and moral ownership, and comprehensive scientific knowledge in the affairs of religion and life, and issues of the age, with self-described qualities such as courage, , And objective in the form of planning, organization, discipline, etc., and a mental receptivity in the issues of politics, administration, economy, society, relations, and be prepared to perform his mission and reach his goals and sacrificed to achieve them without being affected by the nervousness or racism of a country or territory, Or to have a forward-looking, optimistic outlook to achieve the goals of his renaissance, to be honest and firm in his decisions, in order to overcome all manifestations of violence, corruption and relaxation, and to be courageous free of the complex of fear and hesitation of others, whatever their political and social strength and status. At the same time, be modest, calm, an officer for himself, pardon the abuser at his ability and ability, and be an expert knowledge of men and classification to identify the enemy of them, and gain neutrality, and the recruitment of the supporter, and study the environment and its surroundings in addition to study the environments of the past, , To establish the present, and envisions For the future, this is a reformer Mustafa leader of the righteous, and the stepper on the year of the prophets and messengers, and leaders Alrsaliyn, which is difficult with them trained Almtassab

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