Spatial variation of tourist and recreational sites within the basic design of cities as an indicator of sustainable tourism development (Baghdad city case study)

Document Type : Original Article



The basic design is concerned with studying the components of the
City (activities, activities and population) in terms of distribution of land uses and their future changes, population distribution and growth, changes to them, street networks and transport systems needed to link events and accessibility. The basic design is a framework that deals with the time and space units of these variables, and therefore any change in the components of the urban fabric.
Must be consistent with what the basic design of the city determined, but if the opposite happened, it would confuse this fabric. One of the basic design characteristics is dynamism in planning and design, not inertia, because the urban pattern must necessarily change or expand. This makes it important to wonder whether adapting to new functions resulting from changing land use and all services is relatively easy or Expansion and change can be achieved with minimum control and with minimal disruption in the basic design of the city, especially as maintaining stability in a city is almost impossible in light of developments in services and uses, including tourism, but it is possible to rehabilitate stability if the change Bitter inevitably from it,
That is to say, adapt and dominate it to prevent a violent reaction and to maintain the possible continuity in the evolution of the urban pattern. Such change would then have important implications for how the city grew and developed.

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