The Political- Commercial Relations between Egypt and Southern Levant from the Stone Ages to the end of the Middle Bronze Age (6000- 1550 B.C):An Archaeological Historical Study

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to shed light on the Political- Commercial Relations between Egypt and Southern Levant (Jordan and Palestine), during the period extending from the Stone Ages to the end of the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt, which is contemporaneous from the Stone Ages to the end of the Middle Bronze Age in the Levant (6000 - 1550 B.C). The majority of studies claim that the relationship between Egypt and Southern Levant existed during the direct Egyptian control over the southern Levant during the New Kingdom Period (Late Bronze Age). This study, however, reasserts that the interest of the Ancient Egyptians in the southern Levant had begun early as the stone ages, namely because of the importance of this region to Egypt economically and strategically.


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