A pilot study on effectiveness of a program of politicalcynicism humor in modifying the direction of the conservatism- liberal

Document Type : Original Article



With all the development and change of mental and social, cultural and political development forms and methods of humor and vary between ridicule and satire, spelling, humor, comedy, party and Nadar, and through the art of caricature and humor, and ended with tricks and concealment (such as hidden camera programs),andwe do not know what the future of the development of the forms of humor and methods
Because of the obvious character of the humor, it is the sharp criticism, spelling, slander and slander, highlighting the negatives, defects, errors, shortcomings, weaknesses and shortcomings, and highlighting the blatant contradictions and misconduct. Therefore, in this study we are interested in testing the ability of humor and especially political cynicism to change psychological, social and political trends of consewarion  - Freedom)

Main Subjects