Attitude of University Youth towards Popular Movies and Its Relation to their Imitation of the Behaviors of the Models presented within

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to recognize the attitude of university youth towards cinematic narrative movies of popular aspect, their opinions and their evaluation of the contents tackled within such movies from (Language, appearances, gestures, behavior) and to detect the youth behavior regarding the simulation and imitation of the models presented inside the movies in the axes previously mentioned.
This attitude and such emulation have been discovered through conducting a study that contributed to understanding and unraveling the actual relation between university youth and such artistic type of cinematic movies (Commercial popular movies). This has been through a survey form applied to a sample of university youth from different disciplines inside the theoretical and practical faculties affiliated to
 governmental universities (Ain Shams University, Cairo University), in addition to private universities (October  6 University, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts). The Youth sample size has reached (400 items) to detect their opinions and their evaluation of the contents of popular movies (Language, clothes, gestures, behavior), in addition to detecting their attitude towards the imitation of movie protagonists and their imitation of language, clothes, gestures and behaviors. The most important results reached by the field study represented in that university youth watch popular movies in remote periods in feasts, occasions and leisure times for entertainment, amusement and passing time. Regarding the youth attitude toward the content of such movies, their attitude has been neutral despite their negative opinion towards the degrading content and spread of obscene words and scenes inside the contents of such movies, that help corrupt the manners of youth and children and spread socially undesirable behaviors. This prompted most youth to refuse to imitate the popular movies protagonists, since they refuse to resemble the protagonists of popular movies in their vulgar and barbaric behavior, language and appearance, and they reject to adopt the values promulgated in the contents of such movies for their contradiction with the values of society and religion


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