Audley's Choice' and Repressive Politics in Post-National Emancipation Ghana

Document Type : Original Article



This research deals with one of the most important contemporary African Adaptations of Sophocles' "Antigone", the play of Odale's Choice by  Edward Kamua Brathwaite, whose write it during his stay in Ghana between 1955-1962. Those years that Braithwaite lived in Ghana were crucial years for the country's political arena. which the road to independence was long and turbulent (Gocking,2005: 81). The context was driven by political and social Political Mobility. which help the auther to producing rewriting of an contemporary version of Antigone. And I try in this research to spotlight on specifity of African culture of this Adapted play, I am also looking for strategies of indigenous this western classics in Africa. however, it was setting in democratic Athens in fifth century BC, the Adapted context in west Africa was in the period of independence of Ghana 1962, In the elements of cultural analysis I explored the importance of the Local specificity in the Language of Pidgin in Adapted text, Carnival, dance and empowering women and other elements of resist imperial domination.  Finaly The study concluded that there is a indirect relationship between the historical, political and cultural context, and it was a relationship based on conflict and intertwining between the canonical text of Sophocles and Adapted text of Brathwaite, and the writer try to invert power and  authority structures in canonical text, and in a very few stage directions we can know the effect of traditional African heritage, which try to destroy the superiorty of the cultural heritage of the west text, and the using of the native language helped to destrory the standard of canonical English and making clash with its centrality, those was some postcolonial and cultural elements which the writer use them to provide us with the ways of colonial resistance in Africa by indigenous the Greek tragedy in African context.


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