The role of the city of irrigation in opposition movements during the Abbasid era (137-189 AH / 754-804 AD)

Document Type : Original Article



The title of this research is "the role of  ray city of opposition movements during the Abbasid era  from  " 137-189 AH / 754-804 AD), This research aims to know the role played by the city of ray during the opposition movements against the Abbasid state special period of each of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jafar al-Mansur, Mahdi and Harun al-Rashid, Including the movement of Sinbad in 137 AH / 754 AD, which took the killing of Abu Muslim Kharassani pretext for the elimination of Islam and the Arab caliphate and the dissemination of their faith, And the movement of Jumhur bin Marar al-Ajali in 138 AH / 755 AD, The rebellion of Abdul Jabbar bin Abdul Rahman the governor of Khorasan in 141 AH / 758 AD, And the movement of al-Kharamiyah in 162 AH / 778 AD, Movement Yahya bin Abdullah in 176 AH / 792 AD.

Main Subjects