celebrities of Arab Morocco in Egypt during nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Document Type : Original Article



The current study focused on the Moroccan celebrities in Egypt during the 19th century, because of the importance and the role of Moroccans in Egypt during this period. Egypt and Morocco are considered as a natural and organic extension, whose relations between them dated from the ancient times till this date. Hence, the Moroccan presence in Egypt was evident, relating to most Moroccan villages and cities scattered throughout the Moroccan regions: from the Atlantic Ocean in west and the Mediterranean in north, to the maximum extension of Morocco in south. This Moroccan presence in Egypt has been welcomed and given the opportunity to exercise, freely, its life and activity and to be connected with Egypt and its society as it wishes. In addition, many Egyptians and their tribes were headed west to Morocco so as to live there and go about their lives for given period, then they come back again to Egypt. There was a mutual communication between them.

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