The study bore the title Women's Movement and Women's Political Participation (1962 - 1994 AD), and in the first section it dealt with the attempts of women's movements to struggle for the recognition of women's rights in Kuwait, especially since the implementation of this right for women was extremely difficult. Because society did not expand its horizon as hoped to make women assume this task despite the Kuwaiti constitution’s affirmation of equality in political rights between men and women, and it was not accepted by society like other demands related to women, such as the right to education or work, and social participation
As for the second section, it was entitled “Kuwaiti women's tools to raise the issue of political participation,” in which it reviewed the means used by women to raise the issue of their political rights, such as conferences, which came at the forefront of the methods used by the Kuwaiti women's movement to raise their issues, as well as newspapers, which are credited with mobilizing women's issues and their glow. Socially and politically, as well as lectures and seminars, which the women's movement used to raise its voice loudly, demanding its political rights, and the legitimate right to vote and stand for election. And its role in mobilizing international public opinion in general and Kuwait in particular to support the right of Kuwaiti women to equality with men as stipulated in Sharia and the constitution.
As for the third section, it was titled “Society and the Women's Movement’s Demand for the Political Rights of Women, which divided it into two parts. The first section dealt with the position of the National Assembly, which represents the supreme legislative authority in Kuwait, and was divided into two currents. For this right, which represented an obstacle to the recognition of this right for a long time. As for the second part, it dealt with the position of the executive authority on women's political rights. Finally, the historic decision of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad was reviewed, which gave Kuwaiti women their full political rights without any diminution of the roles they played at the level of The world in general, and Kuwait in particular, and how Kuwaiti women were able to obtain all their gains to play their full role in Kuwaiti society.
Khalaf, N. (2021). Kuwaiti women's movement and political participation
(1962 - 1994 AD). Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(5), 303-322. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.206267
Nawal Khalaf. "Kuwaiti women's movement and political participation
(1962 - 1994 AD)", Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49, 5, 2021, 303-322. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.206267
Khalaf, N. (2021). 'Kuwaiti women's movement and political participation
(1962 - 1994 AD)', Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(5), pp. 303-322. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.206267
Khalaf, N. Kuwaiti women's movement and political participation
(1962 - 1994 AD). Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 2021; 49(5): 303-322. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.206267