The Effect of the Appleton Model in the Development of Critical Thinking in the Students of the Faculty of Education Ibn Rushd in the Curriculum of Educational Research

Document Type : Original Article



In this study, the researcher chose to study the students of the third stage in the Kurdish language department at the Faculty of Education - Ibn Rushd, where the number of members of the Faculty of Education, Ibn Rushd, The study sample consisted of (37) students, divided into two divisions: (A), the experimental group, which was taught according to the Appleton model, with (37) male and female students, and (b) the control group, , The researcher investigates the internal and external safety of experimental design, and prepared the The results of the study showed the superiority of the experimental students in the control group in the development of critical thinking in the curriculum of educational research methods. In light of the research results, Researcher a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals, including:
1- The effectiveness of the Appleton model in teaching the curriculum of educational research and its superiority in the traditional way of developing critical thinking skills among students.
2- Emphasize the use of modern educational strategies and models that develop thinking skills of all kinds, including critical thinking.
3- Conduct a similar study of the current study to identify the impact of the Appleton model in different subjects and stages.

Main Subjects