Obstacles to empowering Kuwaiti women in the labor market Challenges and confrontation mechanisms

Document Type : Original Article



 The State of Kuwait believes that comprehensive development cannot be achieved in society without the positive participation of women. It also believes in the importance of the role of women as half of society and seeks to activate its contribution to public life through government policies and plans. According to the total Kuwaiti population in 2018, Kuwaiti women make up more than half of the population of Kuwaiti citizens, with 51% of females. In view of the levels of empowerment available to Kuwaiti women in the labor market, we find a staggering contradiction. Statistics released in 2016 indicate that Kuwait has exceeded the regional average in the participation of women in both education and the labor force, but the participation of women (37.6%) is still in the sector. Private productivity is lower than that of men (54.2%).
 The study aims at describing and analyzing the importance of the work of Kuwaiti women in achieving development as well as the most important aspects of their empowerment in the labor market, as well as presenting and discussing the most important challenges and constraints they face in this context and trying to reach a proposed set of mechanisms to support and strengthen the process of empowering Kuwaiti women in the labor market..
The study concluded that it is important to put training needs under implementation through an ambitious time plan that provides access to training for all women wishing to enter the labor market and hold leadership positions. It is useful that training programs for men and women are designed together with participants of common scientific backgrounds. whether. And to focus on empowering women to raise awareness among men and society in general of the importance of equal opportunities for all in the occupation and higher administrative and executive levels as long as there is the necessary efficiency because of the direct return on achieving real progress sustainable in Kuwait.


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