Khata΄i 's Ornament (Term-Artistic Context-Origin-Development)

Document Type : Original Article



Most researchers agreed about the significant of the ornament Khata΄i, although they disagree about the term of “Khata΄i” and determine what kind of floral ornaments they represent within a specific temporal and spatial boundaries. Additionally, there are many debates concerning the components of this ornament and when it was initiated and how it was evolved. Furthermore, the research discusses the aspects which affected on its originated and progress.
The main outlines of the research consist of an introduction and three research points. The introduction includes the goals and debates, besides, the literature review and research methodology. The first point tackles the different terms and approaches regarding this type of ornament and its meaning. The second point explores the origin and development of the Khata΄i since the early Islamic art. The last point shows the different factors which effects on the formation and dominion of Khata΄i on the Islamic world and beyond during the 10th/16thcentury. The conclusion represents the results of the research.
 All these points are represented using different kinds of methodologies to describe some examples of the Khata΄i 's ornament and analysis their floral elements, then comparing some elements to similar one from other periods and origins especially the Calyx flowers like lotus. This paper adapts the historical methodology to review all the sources and literature references concerning the period of the study since the early Islamic art to the 10th/16th century.


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