Golf City Mall"Obour City" Analytical study from a geographical perspective

Document Type : Original Article



Malls are considered one of the points of economic growth and consumption, and an indication of the economic prosperity of cities, as the idea of ​​research came from the importance and role of the Golf City Mall in the growth and prosperity of Obour City, and an attempt to repeat such an experience in many cities.
This study aims at spatial analysis and identification of the hierarchical structure of Golf City Mall, and its role in urban development, in addition to identifying the qualitative component of commercial and service activities and the scope of influence of each of them, through questionnaires that were distributed to a sample of hesitants , it reached (524), and a sample Of the employees, it reached (96), the results of which made it possible to build a database that helps the promotion of the mall, and is considered as a basis for investors that can be relied upon to repeat such projects
The study concluded with some recommendations and results that confirm the importance of the Golf City Mall for Population of Obour City and the surrounding areas of villages, cities and neighborhoods in the neighboring governorates.
The study recommended expanding the establishment of Malls while expanding the number of shops for some rare activities in the mall, such as electrical tools, furnishings, fish, architectural equipment and other activities that fall withinother uses, in order to activate the competition factor.


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