Factors Affecting Selection of Islamic Law Specializations by Graduates of the Unit of Arabic for Non-native Speakers at Qassim University

Document Type : Original Article



Title: Factors Affecting choosing Faculty of Islamic Law by graduates of Arabic for Non-native Speakers Unit at Qassim University
This study aims at finding out the factors that influence the students choice of the faculty. It will investigate variables like age, nationality and commitment to attend scientific lectures at the mosques. The descriptive approach and the suitable statistical methods were used in answering the research questions. In addition, the research tool "the questionnaire" was also implemented on a sample of 68 graduates of (1441 AH) in the Arabic for Non-native Speakers Unit. Results revealed that highest answer for the reason behind choosing the faculty was point number (17) which reads: My self-interest and eagerness to work in a medium for the Call to Allah. This scored an average mean of 4.68 and a standard deviation of 0.837. The lowest answer was point number (8) which reads: I chose it so that I could be with my colleagues in the unit. This answer has an average mean of 1.54 and a standard deviation of 1.273. The study showed that there is an important statistically significant effect of the variables on selecting this faculty.
 In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended selecting outstanding students among external scholarship seekers after either traveling to their countries or thru interviews over the internet.


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