The role of virtual communication platforms in spreading the concepts of feminism in Saudi society A field study (from the point of view) of a sample of female faculty members in two Saudi universities

Document Type : Original Article



This study examined the issue of the role that virtual communication platforms play in spreading feminism concepts in Saudi society. It is a field study that was applied to a sample of female faculty members at Princess Noura University and Hafar Al-Batin University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The researcher relied on the method of social survey in the sample and applied the field study using the questionnaire tool to a sample of the two universities with a size of 543 individuals, and the study concluded with a number of results, the most important of which are: that virtual communication platforms are keen to spread feminist concepts such as the concept of patriarchal society, gender and gender discrimination, And a number of other concepts that express feminist discourse in general, and that the hypothetical platforms try to promote and spread various contents related to the feminist discourse and that the individuals of the research sample took positions rejecting those concepts and their contents, and the results also showed that the virtual platforms did not succeed in achieving their goals of disseminating feminist concepts.


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