Revolutionary Changes and Rebuilding Trust of University Youth

Document Type : Original Article



The problematic issue  of the  research is summed up in the detection of the role of the revolutionary changes in restoring trust among university youth , in terms of impact on the political preferences of youth, the political participation of young people, evaluation of political performance of the government and its institutions, and future expectations of the political situations.
As the revolutionary changes may restore trust among university youth at all levels, where they became aware and perceptive  about the political activities they prefer and how to engage in political work as they like, there became confident in their own political process management such as managing elections, the real multi-party system, as well as trust in the efficiency of Government performance and state institutions. through their petition excuse for the government due to the contentment of their actions, which will not come out for the common good, except for some institutions, which they saw  hasn't changed even after the revolution  but even changed into worse, such as the media institution, whether government or private. As for the future prospects of the political situation this vision  is characterized by uncertainty especially after the occurrence of another change in the thirtieth of June of 2013, where some of the imbalances occurred on all political, economic and social conditions that came in the middle of a high wave of optimism and trust in the future .to involve  them into  the phase of construction and change, maybe a lot of them are believed to be a long-term phase, and that is what confused the future outlook for the youth.

The problem facing youth towards political participation is the problem of understanding of the political regime for the youth segment, the political atmosphere didn't realize yet the nature of youth and their composition, particularly taking into account the circumstances that surrounded the youth and their formation, the ignorance of the nature of youth has led into the repressive practices  increased  in the youth themselves factors  of estrangement, and keeping far away from politics which, in their opinion rigid dry piece  and limited to certain persons,  neither justice nor integrity in it. On the other hand if there is a real sense on the part of the political regime , the concerns of youth and their suffering, it will provide a way to open up a relationship with them,  but mocking those concerns by claiming it is just childish illusions will not provide anything but the gap will increase rather than decrease.

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