Gender issues in the virtual society An analytical study

Document Type : Original Article



This study examines the issue of gender as reflected by the virtual society. If the opinions are focused in the direction that emphasizes the profound impact that this society is exerting on human life in all its aspects, the researcher focused in this study on the angle of the impact This problem has been determined by the question: How does the Arab Virtual Society reflect gender issues?
The study sought to achieve a general goal: to monitor the most important features of the virtual approach to gender issues. Under this general objective, the following sub-objectives were:
- Monitoring the most important issues raised by the virtual society in addressing the problem of gender.
- Understanding the nature of the discourse on gender issues.
The researcher relied on a speech analysis method to describe the nature of the virtual society's approach to gender issues. In addition, the researcher used the content analysis tool.
The researcher selected a sample that falls within the scope of intentional purposeful samples, within a number of conditions. The sample size reached (23) pages of the social networking site (Facebook).
The study concluded with a number of results, the most important of which were: Women's freedom issues ranked first in the attention of the virtual society, followed by the issues of the male society in the second order; in the third, women's rights issues; fourth, violence against women; Women, and in the sixth came discrimination against women.

The results also show that it is the discourse that adopts defensive attitudes on gender issues that dominates the pages of the virtual society that is the subject of analysis. With the exception of only two pages out of the three pages, all pages have adopted advocacy and gender advocacy positions.

Main Subjects