Debate of the Fatimid preachers. Muayad al - Din al - Shirazi (474 AH / 1077 AD) of his biography

Document Type : Original Article



The Fatimid da'is of the Mu'ayyad al-Din Muhamid al-Din Muhammad bin Dawood al-Shirazi is one of the personalities who played a prominent and distinctive role in the history of the Fatimid state, whether in the field of da'wa, if it was published in many parts of the Islamic world through his journey from It was the Fatimid dream of establishing the Fatimid Caliphate in Baghdad in 450 AH (1058 AD). The importance of biography leads to the fact that it is the only historical document that has preserved our debates held in the country. Knight to spread his doctrine of hearing Me. The aim of the study is to shed light on the debates only to clarify the role of the da'i in its contract and its effect by spreading the Fatimid da'wa in the political and public circles in Persia and highlighting the Ismaili doctrines emphasized by the preachers in the da'is. These debates. In order to fill the reader's mind with the nature, processes and objectives of these debates, we have paved the way in a simplified manner without delving into the precise details of the nature of the debates held by the Ismaili preachers in the early stages of their call. Then we mentioned the debates mentioned by the da'i in his biography, such as his discussion with a group of scholars in the presence of Abi Kligar al-Buwaihi and his discussion with al-Kharasani and finally his discussion with al-Zaidi, as he stated in his biography, trying to focus on its contents and the debate and argument between al- On the Ismaili doctrine and the theorists of the other Islamic doctrines and then concluded the research of the most important results we reached through the research, which held in Shiraz from Persia, the original home before leaving to the headquarters of the Fatimid da'wah, then Cairo, which is still in the order of need before reaching the end D rank In the presence of a number of political figures such as Abu Kaligar al-Buwahei, leaders and scholars of various other Islamic sects, his biography was the only source that preserved these debates by himself. Therefore, these debates were characterized by detail and commentary in his narration. The most prominent topics raised by the Da'i in his debate are his emphasis on Ismaili doctrines

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