The Duality of Light and Darkness in Abu Al-Ala’ Al-Ma’arri’s Diwan Fall of the Light

Document Type : Original Article



The aim of this critical study is to shed light on an important binary of the binaries opposite in the poetry of Abi Ala Al-Maarri, which is the binary of (darkness / light): as this study seeks to reveal the dimensions of this binary in his first diwan (saqt elzund) as it constitutes An important component from his poetic discourse and an effective central structure that reveals through its function the contradictory patterns of semantic and aesthetics which is imperative for the researcher to address it and highlight its aesthetic values through the apparent and hidden patterns in the poetic texts of Al-Maarri in this diwan.
This research also tries hard to discover a new    characteristic  of  his  poetry.

his poetry, that still and will remain an object of admiration and interest of researchers and critics throughout the ages.

Main Subjects