The Dramatic Treatment Of The Phenomenon Of Divorce In Egyptian Society Analytical Study Of The Divorcees Television Series

Document Type : Original Article



The problem of the current study is to identify the dramatic treatment of the phenomenonin the Egyptian society, where the researcher considers that the television drama plays an important role in shaping Egyptian public opinion on various social issues, as one of the exciting and attractive sources for the media, and the Egyptian public opinion is greatly affected by the issues and topics of drama. TV dramas always draw their themes from the social reality we live in, and to identify the nature of the treatment provided by the Egyptian television drama of the phenomenon of divorce through the Divorcees Television Series.
The current study falls within the few descriptive studies, which the researcher seeks to identify the dramatic treatment of the phenomenon of divorce in Egyptian society, through a study of  the Divorcees Television Series, which was shown on the Egyptian television channel in 2015.
The researcher adopted the case study method through the observation of the episodes of the series, In order to monitor the stereotypes and mental images presented to the series related to divorcees, and the image of the family , the divorceeand the factors causing divorce and the compatibility of these stereotypical and mental images presented in dramatictreatment with the reality we live in.
 And the extent of the impact of such treatment on the Egyptian public opinion.
 The Results of the study:
The dramatic treatment of the series of divorcees, which revolves around four girls gathered in one place in Alexandria and ties them to friendship for years, and through dramatic events, each of them experiences a tragic story and the four try to support each other psychologically and morally.  Each one constitutes a model that can be generalized within the community and can be explained as follows:
Ola Ghanem :
Dina, who found in Alexandria a refuge to escape from Cairo after her divorce because she is fearing people's words . She rent a furnished apartment, and find a notebook for the previous tenant and get his phone number from the notebook and talk to him and establish a friendship between them, and then sympathize with him because of his illness and through him she met his doctor,who treating him from his illness and a man who marries a woman he loves, but aspires to have children. She decides to marry him but then his first wife becomes pregnant and suffers from poor health, and dies during childbirth and leaves her son to raise with Dina and Dr. Raafat, because she knows from the doctor that Dina  is incapable of having children.

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