The research is interested in studying "Al-Jumlah AlMozahzahawoujuban" (obligatory moved away sentence) in diwanAl-Ahwas Al-Ansari (collection of poems), which is defined as jumlat jawab al-shart (the answer of a conditional clause) that has been moved away or pushed aside and indicated by evidence that cannot be an answer and is ahead of the conditional clause or came after or enclosed by it. The research covers the situations in which Al-Jumlah AlMozahzaha is obligatory or conceivably deleted providing citations from The Holy Qur’an and Arabic poetry, however, the focus of the research interest is in the applied study of Al-Jumlah AlMozahzaha in diwanAl-Ahwas Al-Ansari, and which is worthy of study because of the amusement and power of Al-Ahwas’s characteristic who showed an elegant style and strength, and has preamble style in eulogizing, pride and praise. Some of the most important research results are:
- - The purpose of deleting the sentence is to leave the space for the soul to wander about things that are sufficiently mentioned.
- - What is a consequence of Al-Jumlah AlMozahzaha, and cannot be an answer, might be mentioned with Al-Jumlah AlMozahzaha.
- - Al-Jumlah AlMozahzaha wujuban came a lot in the poetry of Al-Ahwas and was related to the emotional side of the poet.
Abdul Rashid Muhammad Abdullah, F. (2021). The Judaized Sentence in the Diwan of Al-Ahwas Al-Ansari. Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(2), 119-131. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179219
Fatima Abdul Rashid Muhammad Abdullah. "The Judaized Sentence in the Diwan of Al-Ahwas Al-Ansari", Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49, 2, 2021, 119-131. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179219
Abdul Rashid Muhammad Abdullah, F. (2021). 'The Judaized Sentence in the Diwan of Al-Ahwas Al-Ansari', Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(2), pp. 119-131. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179219
Abdul Rashid Muhammad Abdullah, F. The Judaized Sentence in the Diwan of Al-Ahwas Al-Ansari. Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 2021; 49(2): 119-131. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179219