This study addressed one of the most important issues that was controversial in the context of literature about the image of woman in the Lozomiyat collections for Abu Al-Ala' Al-Ma'arri. The importance of these collections are manifested in demonstrated the opinion of Abu Al-Ala' Al-Ma'arri in a complete way that is not limited to a certain area in giving a total judgment about his view of her without emphasizing her individual images mentioned in his poetry.
This study aimed at demonstrating the opinion of the poet about woman in a way that is far away from abuse by analyzing the several poems that addressed woman. The study demonstrated the images of the woman, by connecting all that with the intellectual sides in the life of Abu Al-Ala', in terms of the cultural life and the intellectual products at that time, as well as the issues relating to isolation and pessimism about him.
The poetry of Abu Al-Ala' addressed several models, where they sometimes visualized woman based on her expected image and the characteristics with which she was depicted in other times. The focus of these poems was directed towards job and trait, either as praise, slander, admiration or irony more than his focus on describing a human being, in terms of femininity or masculinity.
The woman's models addressed in the collection of Abu Al-Ala' included:
The woman "Eve", the mother, and the wife, and here where the image of securing woman, infertile woman, the other wife, the old wife, the bad-manners wife, the working wife and the inferior wife was manifested. The collection of Lozomiyat is full of various images about the types of women that would be addressed in other context.
Abdel Salam Majali, R., & Eid Eshtiwi Alawien, M. (2021). The image of the woman in the poetry of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maarri
"A study in necessities". Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(2), 45-73. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179072
Rabea Abdel Salam Majali; Maha Eid Eshtiwi Alawien. "The image of the woman in the poetry of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maarri
"A study in necessities"", Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49, 2, 2021, 45-73. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179072
Abdel Salam Majali, R., Eid Eshtiwi Alawien, M. (2021). 'The image of the woman in the poetry of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maarri
"A study in necessities"', Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 49(2), pp. 45-73. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179072
Abdel Salam Majali, R., Eid Eshtiwi Alawien, M. The image of the woman in the poetry of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maarri
"A study in necessities". Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, 2021; 49(2): 45-73. doi: 10.21608/aafu.2021.179072