The effectiveness of public relations in motivating the Iraqi public to purchase the national product

Document Type : Original Article



Public relations s the function responsible for the public of the communication of the organization with its public. Its importance has increased in the productive organizations with the increasing competition among those organizations to get the masses' satisfaction. Therefore,  the problem of study can be formulated in the following question: (How Effective is Public Relation in Motivating the Iraq Public to buy the local products?)
Upon the above, this research aims at pointing out the "Effectives of public relations in the Iraqi productive organizations to buy the local products through the following: showcasing the extent to which public relation is capable of motivating the Iraqi general public to buy the local products. In order to achieve the objectives of this study the research depended on the descriptive approach, and the questionnaire form distributed to the research sample which includes 500 individuals of the public of Baghdad, which represent the research population. The study resulted in the following findings the most important of which: Public relations in the Iraqi  productive organizations could not motivate the Iraqi public to buy the local products. Therefore,  the public relations in the Iraqi  productive organizations, the study sample, do not perform its tasks effectively. Therefore, the researcher recommends to the necessity of paying attention to the public relations in the Iraqi  productive organizations to the public relations and to depend on the media  outputs of the colleges of mass media exclusively in practicing the public relations in the in the Iraqi  productive organizations.

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